Should you walk 10k steps a day?!

I find it so funny how in recent years this step target has gone viral. I remember when I first heard people tracking their steps and thought it was the most bizarre thing ever, the fact we even have devices strapped to us that can monitor how many steps we’ve taken is hilarious! Yet here I am, it is a staple part of my routine and my day just doesn’t feel the same level of complete if I haven’t done it.

You may be thinking wow, that’s an unhealthy obsession, but before I dive into why it benefits me I will just reiterate my life motto which is, whatever makes you happy, do that. To some people getting out for a walk every day might be a chore, but for me, it is not. It’s actually one of the highlights. So as long as i’m still genuinely enjoying it, I’ll do it!

The reality is I gave no consideration to my step count before we went into lockdown (March 2020 - just over a year ago) but as one walk a day was the only nugget of freedom given to us by the powers that be, I made sure to not take it for granted. Before this, I would pretty much get up, drive to my office job, be mainly sedentary, and drive home. I would go to the gym 5 times a week, an hour of lifting weights, but my NEAT was non existent. (NEAT = Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis)

As my healthy lifestyle began with the aim to lose fat, it’s crazy that I wasn’t quite aware of the importance of your NEAT. Because now I believe it to be a key component of weight management (and something I will drill into you if i’m your coach!) if you look at your overall daily energy expenditure (aka the amount of calories you burn in a day) a good 20% of this comes from your NEAT. Taking the stairs, parking further away from the shop, cleaning the house, cooking, having a dance whilst cooking (what, I never do this…) or even playing with your kids, your niece and nephew. Whatever it may be, i’m talking all forms of movement. Hell, my fingers are getting a great little workout as I tap away at my laptop LOL. I feel like if I hit my 10k steps a day goal, I’ve maximised my NEAT for the day (yes we can argue that as my walks are usually planned exercise they can fall into the EAT category - Exercise Activity Thermogenesis aka your planned exercise, but let’s not be pedantic here) I mentioned that NEAT contributes to around 20% of your total daily energy expenditure but what I didn’t mention is that your gym session only contributes to 5-10% of this, so your non exercise activity should be second priority if you goal is fat loss (second to nutrition, obvs)

Anyway - I feel i’ve gone on a pretty boring tangent regarding walking. If you’re still here, here are a few reasons why I love a daily walk and hitting 10k steps a day.

  • It gives me a sense of purpose and achievement in the day - great mentally, especially if you’ve achieved very little else for the rest of the day

  • It’s basically my learning time - I utilise that hour by listening to audio books or podcasts. Most of the time it’s something educational, whether that be nutrition, self development, or don’t get me started on ancient history, fascinating!

  • I get my daily dose of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential and knowing i’ll be guaranteed to be getting outside at some point for my walk ticks that box also!

  • It’s GREAT for my digestion. I have pretty sensitive digestion, but it’s never anything a good walk can’t fix. I even feel a bit blocked up now if I don’t get in a daily walk (TMI? sorry not sorry)

  • Mental clarity - whether you’re feeling sad, upset, angry, hormonal, tired, you have that time to just be with yourself for an uninterrupted think. I always feel so much clearer and even more productive after.

  • Time away from your screen - personally, I put my headphones on, podcast on, phone in my pocket, Apple Watch on ‘outdoor walk’ mode, and I just go. In a world when all we crave is that dopamine hit from scrolling social media, it’s nice to have that guaranteed hour to give your eyes a rest from the incessant garbage we see online (not my posts though, my posts are great…!?)

That’s it in a nutshell. If it’s not currently part of your routine, try it for 2 weeks, download some podcasts or an audio book and get stepping. Watch your brain flourish and your bowels move regularly. Had to end it on that sour note didn’t I…


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