Why I track my menstrual cycle

Only since lockdown have I decided to actually educate myself on what’s going on in my body during the 28 day menstrual cycle. Is it just me who thinks that we were taught nothing actually important in school?😂 nothing about basic nutrition or the unbelievable amount of hormones we have surging through our body (probs just wasn’t paying attention knowing me🙃)

Gals, GET FAMILIAR WITH YOUR CYCLE! Whether you’re on a form of contraception or not, it’s so important to get familiar.
To put it really simply and how it might effect your day to day life;

Day 1-14 (menstruation, your follicular phase and ovulation)
Generally you should be your best selves during your follicular phase, it’s definitely accurate for me, I can eat really healthy, don’t tend to crave anything, I have loads of energy and perform pretty well during my workouts.
Day 14-28 (ovulation and your luteal phase)
This is where I personally go downhill until the cycle starts again. Less energy, week 4 it’s just an actual food marathon.🤣🤣

Everyone is different but it’s so important to get to know your own body, you’ll start to notice similarity’s month on month. It’s helped me as I’m a lot kinder on myself during the luteal phase, it’s so important to listen to your body! Do you have that week leading up to your period where NOTHING will satiate you? Supposedly we do require roughly an extra 150 cals per day during this period, so if you are someone who tracks their calories and struggles to stay on track the week before menstruation, try and give yourself an extra 150 per day and see if it helps keep your cravings at bay.

Every body is different so it is just good to experiment (if your goal is fat loss) You can give yourself a slightly larger calorie deficit during the first 2 weeks, and eat more at maintenance level during the second half. (Still in an overall calorie deficit)

Becoming aware of what’s going on in your body is a game changer 🙌🏽 it’s crazy what our bodies go through on a monthly basis, the highs, the lows, the hormone surges. Mood swings are natural, appetite changes, having no motivation, waking up with a massive spot on your chin, being bloated AF for no apparent reason, is natural. There are loads of different apps you can use to track your cycle, do a bit of research and find one which you enjoy using!
If you’re feeling a bit shit today, it’s comforting knowing in a few days you’ll be in a completely different mindset🤣 #whoruntheworld💁🏻‍


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